“Universal And Explicit Fairy Tale Of Natural Law”

“Universal And Explicit Fairy Tale Of Natural Law”

Some of the Greatest lies’ ever told to man are obvious and yet we look away from the truth. We accept the lies’ told to us, instead of understanding that these are not facts’ but lies’. First, we were led to believe that the Earth was flat, then, we were taught that everyone thought that the Earth was flat. Historically though, this is far from the truth and inaccurate. Not all societies’ and civilizations’ believed this to be true. There are plenty of historical facts’ that state otherwise, though, we have been fooled into believing the lie.
While civilizations’ formed and folklore began to dominate societies’ within these civilizations’, pockets of individuals’ also studied the skies’. When villagers’ feared curses and sacrificed their children to Gods, these few individuals’ calculated the full circle of the equinox around the ecliptic. They understood the returning of the planets’ and the circle of the same. The great year, perfect year, a platonic year or whatever you would wish to call it. They understood the gyration of the axis and the equinox precession.
Without shame most people are cowards’, filled with greed and vanity, always competing for resources’, power and notoriety. In order to gain these things’, it required that the masses must be controlled and influenced. In order to acquire resources’, blood has to be spilled and our young have to be sacrificed for the greater good. A life for a life, for the sake of the spring. Blood sacrificed in order for the water to flow. Lotteries’ created evolved into words’ like “the draft” and our children soon march blindly into deaths’ shadow. This was all done in the name of patriotism.
The ancient Greeks and their elites’, debated over philosophy, optics’ and the stars’. Their population consisted of eighty percent slaves’ and only twenty percent free men, yet, these were the origins’ of democracy? According to critics’ Ptolemy was a fraud, Plato knew nothing of the stars’ and Pythagoras was just a fictional character. The math still exists though, just like the story of Jesus himself, both, without evidence and facts’ that historically back them up. To think outside of the box is criticized by your peers’, ridiculed because you don’t share the same experiences’ or beliefs’.
Still, we are told that we must sacrifice our young for the sake of the many and we do not take a moment to figure it out. We and the elites’ are not one and the same, we are segregated with two separate purposes’ and standards’. The rich enjoy their wealth by manipulation, through standards’ and symbolism. While exiled in Babylon, the Jewish created their text, in order to “retain” their identity as God’s chosen people. They were living with pagan barbarians’ of course, weren’t they? People who worshiped Gods’ by laying in their own excrement, yet, understood the moon’s cycle by the fifth century B.C… It is also a wonder how Babylonian ideology, found its way into the Talmud and then eventually the Quran.
We are placed in positions accordingly. If we are smart enough though, we can climb our way out of the cesspool, through the use of fame, intellect, money or beauty. Even then though we may still be called upon, to sacrifice ourselves’ or loved ones’ for the greater good. The greater good, of course, is a small percent of people, who enjoy living in penthouses or in the south of France. It all about wants’ and needs’ and the object of the game is the rich manipulating the poor, in order to gain what they want. Usually by monopolizing resources’, then extorting us with laws’ that we then submit to without disagreement. It is only when laws’ affect the elites’ negatively, that those laws’ change. Poor people and their families’ are nothing more than pawns’ on a chessboard.
The system was created long ago, when scholars’ were establishing the moon’s monthly elongation. While making predictions’ on lunar and solar eclipses’, while trying to understand the physical form. When the Chinese thought that the moon was pure energy, but, understood that moonlight was the reflection of the sun. Intellectual elites’ were given privilege, because of their contributions’ to society. Hero’s were idolized and created from their conquests’ of war, for their deeds’ done against the enemy. These things’ continue still, always with the promise to restore peace, love and tranquility. Nothing is further from the truth though.
Alhazen, Ptolemy, and Archimedes theorized about the Earth, Sun and the Moon. While the ignorant and uneducated were subjugated with folklore and superstition. Churches set gargoyles’ upon their archways’, creating fear within their fellowships’. Denying them the ability to read and understand the stories’, painted on their church windows’ and ceilings’. Easily controlled by the system, things’ remained that way for some time.
With the rise of science and the invention of the printing press, theories’ began to develop, expanding our way of thinking. More people became literate, creating new ideas’. Galileo Galilee was forbidden to speak of his discoveries’, it was blasphemy to the church. Soon though, there were no boundaries’ between the spheres’ of the mutable elements’ and imperishable stars’. The moon wasn’t smooth but full of craters’, created by asteroids’ that collided into it’s surface.
Kings’ gathered in high places’, pondering on solutions’ to their problem at hand. New ideas’ developed in order to control the masses, while old ideas’ were cast aside. Instead of God, it was determined that complex organisms’ couldn’t have developed, without the relationship between the Earth and the Moon. Even though, some intellectuals’ would debate on that theory too.

“other than helping life to evolve easier and keeping Earth straight, the moon isn’t of much help to us. There are no scientific models available, showing that two large objects’ collided and coalesced in Earth’s atmosphere. Pulling the smaller body towards Proto-Earth creating the Earth-Moon system.”

~Educated Idiot~

Still, the ruling class was gracious while they changed from Kings’ and Queens’ into the elites’. changing their persona and status, while meeting their growing needs’. Building towers’ that climb above their surroundings’, overwhelming us in hypnotic spells’ of grandeur. We worship the Eiffel Tower, Golden Gate Bridge and even the Twin Towers’ that fell in recent years’. The blood of children are smeared upon the foundations’ of those structures, but do we care? We placed our vanity at the doorsteps’ of two buildings’, while victims’ still perish today. We send our children off into the darkness, and some don’t return.
While the elite class explain the situation to us, we must view things’ along two separate lines’ of sight. The displacement in our line of sight, and our difference in position or our place in the world. Remembering that objects’ in the rear-view mirror, are closer than they appear. Sometimes we see that the driver is driving fifty-five miles’ an hour, when in reality he isn’t. We are looking at the speed-o-meter from the wrong angle, seeing the actual speed a little off, than what it really is. What a person sees when he looks into the sky in the United States, isn’t necessarily the same as what a person in Syria sees when he looks into the sky.
The world is actually overpopulated and some believe that sacrifices’ have to be made, for the greater good. This seems to be a common theme in every issue too. But, what is the greater good though? W.H.O., (The World Health Organization), actually has statistics’ of how many people are estimated to die within the next fifty years’. John found out too, in order for an environmentalist to achieve what they want, carbon levels’ in the atmosphere need to go down to one hundred and sixty-five.
In Nineteen Eighty-five, carbon levels’ were at two hundred and twenty-five. By the year Two Thousand, levels’ were down to one hundred and eighty-five. In order for carbon levels’ to make it down to one hundred and sixty-five, the human population has to decrease. With a population of over seven billion, we can not achieve a carbon level of one hundred and sixty-five. In other words’, population control is a top priority in geopolitics’. To achieve these goals’ people must die, and sterilization laws’ enforced.

How proud we were when those towers’ were build, with foundations’ strong and sure. Under those towers’ a spring was buried, filled with chaos and fury so pure. A battle raging so strong and silent and the people without a clue. Hidden away within isolated bubbles’, so far away from the world and all of it’s troubles’. The Earth began to rumble, the ground began to shake, while foundations’ began to crumble and those towers’ fell to the floor. Under the foundations’ we found two enemies’, battling one another. Each burning with hatred, neither more furious than the other. Battling over the spring, neither wishing the bloodshed to end. Though if the bloodshed ends, the Earth will no longer rumble, the ground will no longer shake and the towers’ will no longer fall.

Brainwashed with propaganda, listening to stories’ that are told, boys’ and girls’ wish to adventure. Glossy eyed, young and wanting to shoot a gun, while playing with black powder. searching for adventure, fortune and fame, they travel to far off lands. Mystery and adventure is all they see, yet, the more that is seen the more they want and more will be revealed. So sail across to that far away land, map the skies’ as they go. The young should create not destroy, or be hypnotized and mesmerized either. Kids’ though will see, what they only wish to see.

When they go just over that hill, they will see what was once golden orchards’. Pastors’ once filled with rose peddles’, now nothing but scorched land. Looking towards the horizon they will speak of way back when, remembering how it use to be. When grass grew green and we were truly free, while in the back of their mind’s lay all the shame. What they truly became, the day they decided what they had to become. The lies’ they fell for and the leaders’ they followed, who selected only the best of the stock. Those who decided who shall live and who shall die.

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